Teresa Hattingh is a registered professional Engineer and the current SAIIE President. She is passionate about industrial engineering and committed to SAIIE and ECSA's drives towards professionalising industrial engineering in South Africa. She further believes that every industrial engineer has the power to change the world and the responsibility to make a difference. Teresa is actively involved in engineering education research and is the current chair of the Research in Engineering Education (REEN) board. She is currently working as an engineering education specialist in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of Johannesburg.
Dr Franciska Bothma is the Executive for Regulatory Functions at the Engineering Council of South Africa. Before she joined ECSA on 1 July 2022, she was employed in various roles in the Higher Education context over a period of 25 years. At ECSA, Dr Franciska leads the teams that are responsible for Engineering Qualification Accreditation, the Registration of Engineering candidates and practitioners, and compliance to Continuing Professional Development. In her personal capacity, Franciska is a saved believer, a wife, and a mother of 4 children - two married boys, and twin daughters.
Guest Speaker from Industry
Guest Speaker from Industry
Guest Speaker from Industry
Guest Speaker from Industry
Recently ECSA registered industrial engineering professionals
Recently ECSA registered industrial engineering professionals
Recently ECSA registered industrial engineering professionals
Recently ECSA registered industrial engineering professionals